Alga Clear, works quickly on all types of algae, ensuring your freshwater tanks remain crystal clear. Alga Clear contains biocides that specifically target algae cells without harming beneficial bacteria or aquatic life. By breaking down the algae’s cellular structure, it quickly clears up blooms and keeps them from coming back. With a simple dosing system, Alga Clear can be added directly to the tank water. It’s effective in both small home aquariums and large-scale freshwater systems.
Dosage: Add 1 ml of Alga Clear per 40 liters of water. Allow Alga Clear to work for 24-48 hours. Water clarity will improve as the algae cells are broken down. To prevent future algae growth, apply 1/4th dose of of Alga Clear weekly.
After treatment, it’s important to monitor water quality, including pH, nitrate, and oxygen levels. Adjust the tank’s parameters as needed, especially in tanks with sensitive species.
Post treatment with Alga Clear use AIO Care after 15-20 minutes to condition your aquarium water.